Are You Ready To Rock Your Business?

The on-line world of coaching is waiting for you and you're ready to get serious about your business? Get clear on your niche, create and package your offer, build your unique website with a course & membership area, and bring your dream business to launch with confidence.

Amazingly Affordable


Keys to success

Clarity ~ Coaching ~ Collaboration ~ Community

Andrea H.

I couldn’t be happier about the decision to work with Lisa. I’ve gained more clarity in forming my coaching business. The community of coaches is a plethora of inspiration guided by a true authentic soul, driven to support your success.

Coach with Confidence Group 

Program Overview

You get the roadmap, the community, access to the platform to build

it all on & you get a coach who walks you through it all!

This is a structured program with the flexibility of self-paced learning, live coaching, accountability and total support!  Go as fast as you want or pace yourself to fit your lifestyle.  All modules are accompanied by bite size recorded webinars for audio learners and workbook to support visual learners and note taking.   

Live Weekly Coaching 

To go along with over 70 mini video tutorials to get it done in 60-days or go at your own pace.  Two time slots per week to choose from.  Help with clarity on your niche, ideal client challenges and desired results, vision/mission statements, program syllabus and course creation, and more.  All sessions are recorded and accessible.

Step By Step Roadmap

We show you exactly where and how to start, no more guessing!  We have very interactive coaching sessions and will have a hot seat to walk you through a challenge or specific task to help you move forward or to gain more clarity.   You choose whether or not to create a website with all the bells and whistles.  The coaching alone is amazingly affordable.  




Access to the most amazingly simple to use and affordable website platform ever.  Create your unique website, course & membership area, funnels & landing pages, email templates and automations, e-commerce, quizzes & surveys, bookings and more.  YES, it's all on one affordable platform and I show you how to create it with video tutorials and live coaching!

Community Collaboration

We encourage you to post work in the group and ask for feedback, our coaches are gracious and giving.  We also encourage you to go live to practice segments of your work to enhance your skills, ask for feedback and gain confidence in a safe place.  

Bonus Tech Videos & CANVA Templates

Gain access to video tutorials on how to work through the frustrating techy stuff and ask questions in the group for further feedback.  As a BONUS, you also have access to DFY (done for you) CANVA templates to swipe & deploy with video instructions on how to edit to help you in your business.

What's To


Monthly Personal Development Challenge
Book Club
Members Directory
Monthly Mastermind / Guest Speaker
The Coaches Toolbox with DFY content discounts

Amazingly Affordable


Coach with Confidence

3 Key Pillars of Aligning for Success

Moving through each pillar of the program you will...

Clarity & Vision

Understand basic start up needs & how to organize your program/time

Know exactly how to manage your time

Create your vision and your goals

Know exactly who you serve and how

Create your vision/mission statement

Create and map out your clients journey/success path

Create your signature program syllabus

And so much more!

Marketing Fundamentals

Have created your minimum viable product to sell

Have built and launched your website

Have built and launched a course/membership area

Have created and built your sales funnel

Have created and updated your social media banners to help your ideal avatar to engage with you

Have taken full advantage of all the 

free CANVA Templates

Have created a freebie

And so much more!

Grow Your Business

Learn how to take imperfect and consistent action to launch your business

Take a look at your relationship with money so that you can create success in your business

Understand where to find and how to convert your first clients

How networking can and will grow your business

Be able to help your clients have better outcomes and turn them into referring friends and family

And so much more!

Ready to ROCK your business and deliver content confidently to your audience?

 Our 'Coach with Confidence' Marketing Launchpad Course Has
Over 70 video tutorials AND Live Weekly Coaching

Coach with Confidence Course


Go from idea to launch with this 90-day digital course with over

35 video tutorials for holistic coaches and course creators.  In this course I personally walk you through every step of the process.  The videos are short bite-sized videos that help you implement the tasks as you go, and there is no room for procrastination to set in.  You will stay motivate to move forward.  Bonus: Live Weekly Coaching

Equipbuilder Platform

(all-inclusive/choose your plan)

($1,500.+/platform value)

Create your website, funnel, email templates and automations, blogs, bookings, quizzes & surveys, landing pages & funnels, store products and checkouts with upsells all on one platform.

Create on this amazingly affordable platform that will work and grow with your business and customers.  You get access over 35 video tutorials  from me personally to support you through every step of the way.

CANVA Swap/Swipe

($49+/mo. value)

Access to Pre-Made Templates

This community is all about helping women create their coaching business. By sharing our templates we help each other expedite the process of creating workbooks, checklists, guides, social media marketing posts, and so much more.  Coaches in this program also will have discounts on DFY programs as they come available.

Bonus Tech Videos


Coaches often get frustrated and overwhelmed with all of the tech stuff that one needs to understand and use to create and grow their business. I have put together a series of tech video to help you easily understand the 'how to' so you can move forward in your business. No more struggling to learn all the tech stuff that has held you back previously. This will be within my scope of knowledge.

Coaches, Take A Moment...

How did you end up here? This program was created with you specifically in mind. I have been where you are, felt overwhelmed, didn't know where to start, kept chasing the shiny objects just to find myself starting over with something new, again! What I craved was for a specific roadmap that would take me through each step of the way and a community of true, authentic people who were willing to share and collaborate.

I had a hard time finding I created it!

INCLUDES: the roadmap, the community, access to the platform
to build it all on & the live coaching!

Create, Build & Flourish

Create Your Coaching Business Using A Proven Roadmap

Create the systems & strategies for your coaching business.

Create your website, booking system, emails & automations, funnels & more.

Learn to coach on the spot with other coaches during our twice weekly coaching calls

CANVA Templates to help with marketing - free and discounted.

Build Your Audience & Create Paying Clients 

Create your coaching business and brand by doing what you love using your strengths and expertise. 

Create your ideal client success path with measurable results. 

 Build an online presence using authentic and consistent marketing strategies.

Serve and bring on clients without being salesy.

Flourish With Our Community, Collaboration & Coaching

Become a part of an active community of female heart-centered and authentic coaches and entrepreneurs on the same path as you.

Leverage the expertise of other coaches.

Go. live in the group to practice. your skills and ask for feedback.  Put your skills to work.

Let's do this together!


(*Separate Subscription for Website Platform)
No long term contracts, cancel at any time.

Hi, I'm Lisa

Get motivated and inspired in a collaborative coaching community, where coaches share ideas and offer feedback.

Stop trying to put the pieces together, I've done the work for you.  Come learn with us.

Get access to all the training you need to create, launch and grow your business along side other coaches.

Helping Women Coach With Confidence

My mission is to help women create and launch their holistic health & wellness business with confidence so that collectively we can make a larger influence in the health and wellness of peoples lives, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially.

     Is the Coach with Confidence Community a Good Fit For You?

We would love for you to join us if:

This would connect you to your purpose

In the past you did not have the steps you needed to create and launch your business so you put it on the back burner.  The desire to fulfill your purpose never goes away and now is the time for you to step into it.

You're ready to invest the time

Yes, a lot of time, energy and long hours goes into creating a business, your business. Once you put in the work the foundation only needs tweaking and you can create your own hours coaching clients. 

You're ready to take massive action

I know, the fear is setting in just thinking about taking the leap of faith. But that is what it is all about, having faith in what your eyes cannot see.  If you are ready to take massive action, this is definitely for you and you will be supported every step of the way.

We're probably not a good match if:

You're just doing it to fill time

The coaches in this program are serious about learning, implementing and making an impact.  They are also building solid long term relationships with each other.  They are not here to take what they can get and leave.

You're not ready to invest the time

Obviously a commitment on your part and if you are unable to invest the time you may want to take time to reconsider.

You're not ready to take massive action

I have many coaches in our FREE coach with confidence group who get support from me because they are not truly ready.  If this is you but you still want to learn and be a part of a great community of coaches, join us and start there.  Your time will come.

What Coaches Are Saying

Realizing that while I thought I had a focused perspective, I was honestly all over the place trying to play catch up to what others were doing. With Lisa's help I am becoming more focused, I have a better understanding of the components of an effective website, I'm taking advantage of opportunities to truly define my brand, and I have made numerous professional and personal connections. Lisa has successfully encouraged me to go outside of my comfort zone and given me a sense of community to support myself and others.

Deb James, BSN, BA, RN, HNB-BC, Holistic Dementia Care Specialist

I’m so glad to have been connected to Lisa and her coaching program. She has helped me create a beautiful website and shown me how to be a better coach and team leader to my community. Learning new ways to interact with my clients and putting myself out more on social media.

Lisa is a great coach and will work with you in whatever capacity you need.

Judy Hook, Reflexologist, Aromatherapy Educator, doTERRA Wellness Advocate

I knew right away that Lisa would be a great coach to work with! This woman knows her stuff and I love to listen and learn from her. She has a great program and I really enjoy the weekly coaching calls with her and the other coaches. She has a lot of experience and is such an inspiration. She puts in a lot of work and really wants to see you succeed. She has taught me a lot of techy things and encourages me to keep going and “pushing the needle forward “. I would recommend her to anyone looking to build a coaching career!   

Jammi Timm, Health Coach / Gut Health, Gut to the Root Health and Nutrition

I couldn’t be happier about the decision to work with Lisa. I’ve gained more clarity in forming my coaching business. I’ve found great insight and comfort while working with Lisa. She truly pours her heart and soul into helping you dive into your business. Creating such a great relationship to help you as an individual. The community of coaches is a plethora of inspiration guided by a true authentic soul, driven to support your success.

Andrea Homet, Digestion Recovery Coach, AuthenticallyCoded Nutrition

I had been following Lisa for a few months before I finally booked a clarity call with her. Ten minutes into the call I knew she was the one I wanted to work with! Lisa gave me clarity on the direction I wanted to go with my business. I’ve been working on my business for a couple of years now, and she shed light on how to work with my strengths instead of fighting against my weaknesses. Lisa is kind, loving, and generous to a fault. Her coaching calls are so energizing and inspiring, and give me the confidence to keep going. I’m so looking forward to my continued journey with this beautiful lady!   

Christine Neveu, Health & Lifestyle Coach, Find Life's Balance

I remember the day I had my Clarity Call with Lisa. She asked me questions that I didn’t even know I had the answers to. She helped me to realize my potential and, even though I had so many ideas that I wanted to explore, she was able to discern what I should work on now, and how I can develop my interests and transform them into a Health Coach Business. She gave me the wisdom and direction to make my dreams a reality. With her expertise, she has the natural ability to focus on your frustrations and turn them into a positive, researched, and streamlined, efficient business that can function on all aspects. What I really appreciate about Lisa Ciotto is her dedication and attention to detail, to just make everything easier. Lisa has drawn on her own experience and is able to organize it well. She can zero in on helping you to get the right formula for your own business and her talent in social media and Google docs, can even make me a step closer to launching the business I am destined to manifest. Her inspiration, every day, lifts you up and keeps you motivated to push on, every week. She is there for you. You won’t regret joining her program. She knows what she is doing, and she can help you strive to reach the goals that are put before you.  

Lisa Ann Reda, Healthy Living & Sleep Coach, Nutrition Intuition

Lisa is kind, attentive & extremely patient. If you're worried you're too indecisive or not being serious enough & you'll be wasting your time, Lisa's time.. don't think that ! She will literally kick your butt in the best possible way! Whilst holding your hand. She goes that extra mile every time and I know every call I get on, I will be getting something helpful I didn't know about business, technology, or handy tips & tricks to get by!

Also Lisa has years of experience being a Health Coach herself and has literally done everything you can think of to put herself out there. She is just that person you NEED to know when you're in business and struggling, or an absolute newbie like me & feel out of your depth.. or you've been at it for some time but you've hit a brick wall !

Helpful tips on how to deal with other health professionals, insightful information on how to create content and your own folder to access with Lisa's help & constructive feedback. What more do you need? And it is so affordable, even for me- when I am still paying my student fees. It's a no brainer really! in my humble opinion.

Jessica Blackmore, Gut & Emotional Eating Coach, Jess Holistic Health Coach

Coach with Confidence FAQ's

What's the difference in your program, course and others?

What's the difference in your program, course and others?


Other programs teach you what you have to do and why you have to do it, never the how to do it. I have created step by step videos and lessons to show you how to do it. I've been in your shoes! You get the video walk through on ever step of the creation process and real time support inside the community. Hop on our live coaching calls for additional how to's for watch the replay.

Reach out with questions →

How do you make your program so affordable?

How do you make your program so affordable?


My main goal is to help holistic coaches launch their business with all the fundamental components. Most programs are out of price range for many when you are just starting out or trying to scale your business. It truly is about building a community and serving those who need our help and my way of impacting the world.

What if I am not clear on my niche market?

What if I am not clear on my niche market?


Schedule a personal coaching call with me to help work through your ideas and expertise. Included in this program are modules on defining your niche market. Our Coach with Confidence courses give you access to our coaching community that will support and guide you through the process even more with live coaching sessions twice a week. Here is where you will gain the clarity you are searching for.

What if I am not tech savvy?

What if I am not tech savvy?


OOh, I have been there and this is one of the main reason this platform was created just for you. I have made it so easy for you to walk through each mini video and resource for a successful outcome. You can also set up a personal coaching call whenever you are feeling stuck and can also ask questions inside the free the free community or join our monthly membership with weekly coaching calls.

Are there any refunds?

Are there any refunds? 

There are NO refunds. Our monthly membership in the Confident Coaches Community is just that, month to month as long as you adhere to the terms & conditions. Should you build out your own website that is hosted on a separate subscription.

What if I am not a Holistic Coach, is this for me?

What if I am not a Holistic Coach, is this for me?


If you are Female and in the holistic industry wanting to make an impact with your audience and nurture them without feeling overwhelmed, this is for you. Create your website, and course programs, yes multiple programs for your audience. Get proficient with your on-boarding, tiered programs, continuing education and on-demand programs to name a few. If you fit in another industry and see this as your perfect path, connect with me and let's see if it's a good fit. God is my Guidance

What if I don't have the time to implement all of this?

What if I don't have the time to implement all of this? 

Schedule a 30 minute call with me to see how we can support you in this endeavor to take back your time and energy to focus on the important aspects of your business.  We may be able to help you build out your website.

What happens to my website once I complete your program?

What happens to my website once I complete your course? 

No worries, your website hosting is a completely different subscription to my program and course. It will stay in tack through the hosting subscription.

Are you available for personal coaching?

Are you available for personal coaching?


Yes, I am available for personal coaching should you need to dive deeper into aspects of your business and / or want help with implementation of your program. You can use my calendar link below to schedule a call at any time.

Schedule A Personal Coaching Call →

What if I have a Website Already?

What if I have a Website Already?


As a holistic coach you can join our 'Coach with Confidence' course with access to live coaching and community and take advantage of its many perks. As an entrepreneur, I know how hard it is to be isolated. You will love the real time support within the community and it is the community of women that is my most desired vision to create collaboration, motivation and strong female relationships.

Confident Coaches Community →
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